For many club sports organizations – especially those that have been in the space for a longer time – there is often the feeling that things that have worked in the past will continue to do so in the future.

While this may be true, increasingly families are expecting to see your assistance in action. Thanks to advances in technology, increasingly transparency is becoming commonplace in almost every sector of life.

So how can a club increase transparency, and thus accountability?

Club Inefficiency: Transparency & Accountability

On the heels of recognizing the growing need for a recruiting infrastructure comes the necessity to both provide transparency on the club’s side and accountability on the side of the family.

The recruiting road is a two-way street. By providing complete transparency as to how you assist your families, you are also providing an avenue by which to hold each accountable for their success.

As is often the case, many players on a club have a wide range in talents. Some need virtually no help in the recruiting process. Others are on the cusp of not wanting to play in college. Many, if not most, will fall in the middle.

So how does a club actively assist all of these sects within its organization in a fair way? Said another way, how does a club show it is doing its best with everyone?


Again, here is where technology can come into play. Do you have a website where you can recommend schools for players? Are you suggesting schools that players would potentially be a good fit both academically and athletically? Is this logged somewhere and accessible for a family?

Being completely transparent in the process will not only provide tangible assistance, but it serves as a way to also hold a family accountable. The recruiting process is a 50/50 proposition, and student-athletes and their families should be shouldering as much – or more – of the responsibility.

With that in mind, being transparent also allows the club to monitor how proactive a family is being, and can thus hold them accountable if they are not holding up their end of the bargain.

The recruiting road is a two-way street. By providing complete transparency as to how you assist your families, you are also providing an avenue by which to hold each accountable for their success.