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This is the Alverno College (Wisconsin) Soccer scholarship and program information page. Here you can explore important information about Alverno College Soccer. This information is very valuable for all high school student-athletes to understand as they start the recruiting process. Alverno College is located in Milwaukee, WI and the Soccer program competes in the Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference (NACC) conference.
Alverno College does not offer athletic scholarships for Soccer. Need-based and academic scholarships are available for student-athletes. Athletic scholarships are available for NCAA Division I, NCAA Division II, NAIA and NJCAA. On average, 34% of all student-athletes receive athletic scholarships.
If you are interested in getting recruited by Alverno College Soccer, you should get to know more about the school, what academic programs are offered, and important members of the coaching staff - these are the people you need to connect with. Getting familiar with the Soccer program is an important first step in the recruiting process.
How to get recruited by Alverno College Soccer
Most college Soccer coaches don’t respond to unsolicited emails. It’s important you build a relationship with the coaching staff. This is one of the ways SportsRecruits can help. You can certainly start by filling out the Alverno College Soccer’s recruiting questionnaire and getting on their list, but that’s only the start. To get actively recruited, a college coach needs to see you compete, which is why it’s important to have an online athletic recruiting profile. High school student-athletes have a discoverability problem. And discoverability is the key to college exposure and recruitment. Just having a recruiting profile doesn’t guarantee you will get recruited. You need your profile to showcase all of your academic and athletic achievements, and be able to instantly connect to college coaches who are interested. If you can’t quickly find and message any college coach you want, then you’re not solving your biggest problem in getting recruited for Soccer. The Head Coach of Alverno College Soccer is Corey Thompson - make it as easy as possible for them to learn about you as an athlete, and be able to start a conversation with you. 100% of college coaches and programs are on the SportsRecruits platform. If you are interested in getting recruited by Alverno College ’s Soccer program, start your free recruiting profile with SportsRecruits today.
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skills video
by Jaylynne Ramsey


(Triple) (RBI) Line drive to center
by Raena Del Angel
Line drive to center during the King of the Hill qualifier tournament


Back hand play at Shortstop
by Giselle Moreno


by Isabella Luevano
Program Information
Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference (NACC)
Coaching Staff
Head Coach
Corey Thompson
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Assistant Coach
Jenny Nagle
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School Profile
Student-to-Faculty Ratio
Calendar System
Graduation Rate
Retention Rate
Enrollment by Gender
2% Male / 98% Female
On-Campus Housing
Acceptance Rate
Total Applicants
Test Scores (25th-75th Percentile)
Students Submitting Scores
Not Reported
Not Reported
Not Reported
Not Reported
Students Submitting Scores
Not Reported
Not Reported
Not Reported
Not Reported
Not Reported
Open Admission Policy
Application Fee
Not considered for admission, even if submitted
Secondary School Record
Required to be considered for admission
Secondary School GPA
Required to be considered for admission
Secondary School Rank
Not considered for admission, even if submitted
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Total Cost
On-Campus Room & Board
Total Cost
On-Campus Room & Board
Financial Aid
% Undergraduates Receiving Aid
Arts and Humanities
Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Spanish Language and Literature
Philosophy and Religious Studies
Religion/Religious Studies
Religion/Religious Studies
English Language and Literature/Letters
English Language and Literature, General
English Language and Literature, General
Visual and Performing Arts
Design and Applied Arts
Design and Applied Arts, Other
Fine and Studio Arts
Art/Art Studies, General
Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
Business/Commerce, General
Business/Commerce, General
Business Administration, Management and Operations
Business Administration and Management, General
Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other
Accounting and Related Services
Health and Medicine
Health Professions and Related Programs
Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration
Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, Other
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions
Art Therapy/Therapist
Music Therapy/Therapist
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse
Interdisciplinary Studies
Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender, and Group Studies
Area Studies
Latin American Studies
Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies
Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences
Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
General Studies
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Parks, Recreation, Leisure, Fitness, and Kinesiology
Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness
Exercise Science and Kinesiology
Public and Social Services
Science, Math, and Technology
Natural Resources and Conservation
Natural Resources Conservation and Research
Environmental Studies
Environmental Science
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics, General
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Biology, General
Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Biomedical Sciences, General
Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology
Physical Sciences
Chemistry, General
Social Sciences
Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs
Communication and Media Studies
Speech Communication and Rhetoric
Psychology, General
Psychology, General
Education, General
Education, General
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education, Other
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods
Elementary Education and Teaching
Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching
Secondary Education and Teaching
Early Childhood Education and Teaching
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas
Art Teacher Education
English/Language Arts Teacher Education
Health Teacher Education
Mathematics Teacher Education
Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education
Social Studies Teacher Education
Biology Teacher Education
Chemistry Teacher Education
Teaching Assistants/Aides
Teacher Assistant/Aide
Social Sciences
International Relations and National Security Studies
International Relations and Affairs
Sociology, General