NYU Tandon School of Engineering Wildcats
Men's Cross Country

NYU Tandon School of Engineering Wildcats

Cross Country Recruiting & Scholarship Information

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Division: NCAA DIII

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This is the NYU Tandon School Of Engineering Wildcats (New York) Cross Country scholarship and program information page. Here you can explore important information about NYU Tandon School Of Engineering Wildcats Cross Country. This information is very valuable for all high school student-athletes to understand as they start the recruiting process. NYU Tandon School Of Engineering Wildcats is located in Brooklyn, NY and the Cross Country program competes in the United East Conference conference.

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Program Information




United East Conference

Coaching Staff

Head Coach
Assistant Coach
Associate Head Coach

School Profile

Student-to-Faculty Ratio

Not Reported

Calendar System

Not Reported

Graduation Rate

Not Reported

Retention Rate

Not Reported

Enrollment by Gender

0% Female

On-Campus Housing

Not Reported



Total Cost

Not Reported




Not Reported

On-Campus Room & Board

Not Reported


Total Cost

Not Reported




Not Reported

On-Campus Room & Board

Not Reported

Financial Aid

% Undergraduates Receiving Aid

Not Reported

Quick Facts

Athletic Conference

United East Conference

Academic Selectivity


Undergrad Enrollment

Not Reported


Not Reported

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